Ears to Listen
Do you listen?
I think one of my biggest struggles is being able to listen. When I say listen, I don’t mean when you’re intently comprehending what someone is saying; I say listen as in a more spiritual aspect. I feel I have these tendencies to sometimes dip my feet into ponds, I know God has already showed me the depth of. I sometimes find myself, trying to dip my feet into ponds, I’ve already fallen into... and had to be saved from because of how unexpectedly deep or uncomfortable I was after being completely saturated. When I talk about a pond, I’m referring to any and everything that has seemed to cause me unrest and has once hurt me. I have this heart that adores helping others, and a heart that completely at times, invests in wanting to be there for those who have done me wrong. It’s such an amazing trait to have, however; it’s also one of those traits that can seem to present as a curse even though it was given to me as a blessing. I find myself at times, wondering why do I continue to invest my time in wanting to respond and reach out to individuals that have hurt me or treated me wrongly? Why do I keep thinking they or that situation will change?
Is what you’re wanting to hear God’s guidance or what you’re trying to tell yourself?
Recently, I have started to realize how badly I struggle with listening to God in the moments when I ask Him for guidance. I seem to ask God for guidance with an individual or situation, when I already know that they’re not creating peace in my life. For example, I ask God to help remove any friends who aren’t helping me bear fruit. Then, when my best friend for many years unexpectedly leaves my life... I want so badly to reach out and see what I did wrong. I have to remind myself that God is the master of my life; I am not. If He feels a friend or relationship needs to end and He shows me the first time, I need to be obedient to listen and accept that the answer is no. Without pondering on why the answer was what it was. It reminds me of when I was little and would always get fussed at for asking my parents why repeatedly after I was told I couldn’t have a cookie.
Words of Encouragement:
I have to remind myself that God removing someone isn’t intended to hurt my feelings or make me question what it is I could’ve done. It is His way of showing me He cares so much for my well-being... that He knew this individual needed to be removed from my life. I have to realize it’s normal to miss something or someone, however; if you’re like me and have asked God to help you decipher someone or something’s role in your life. He will in time, show you their true colors or how you weren’t someone they valued or appreciated. It is best to resist the urge to bring them back into your life or go back to being in their company. Trust me, I get it! I get how challenging it is to accept that something that you felt you once needed is no longer helping you to grow. However, God’s no doesn’t mean He doesn’t care about you or your feelings. It means that He cares and values your well-being and your internal peace. It means He is willing to temporarily remove something out of your life... to gift you something better and more fulfilling to the life He commands you to live.
I want to hear from you!
- When has God said no to someone or something being in your life?
- How did you respond?
- Have you ever struggled with wanting to reach back out to someone that has once hurt you?
- Possibly in the attempt to gain healing or closure?
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