
The Reality of Spiritual Growth

Stabilizing One's Spiritual Growth Follow: @honest_kai The Reality of Spiritual Growth Staying stationary in your faith is easy, but growing in your faith is a lot more challenging. It involves sacrifice, vulnerability, and relinquish of your own areas of comfort. I find myself a lot more now than ever, struggling to remain steadfast in my spiritual growth. I do devotions, read my Bible, remain grounded in prayer, repent of my sins, and love others. However, I find that these things alone are not going to grow me spiritually if i’m not entirely postured in allowing God to   grow me. There are many individuals who read the Bible, and pray daily, and still struggle with exemplifying a life that God calls of them to live.  My Realizations I'm learning that spiritual growth involves full engagement... engagement of one's heart, mind, and soul in it's entirety. God yearns to grow us in every aspect as we walk with Him. Our growth will even involve sacrifices, and many tim...

Ears to Listen

Do you listen? I think one of my biggest struggles is being able to listen. When I say listen, I don’t mean when you’re intently comprehending what someone is saying; I say listen as in a more spiritual aspect. I feel I have these tendencies to sometimes dip my feet into ponds, I know God has already showed me the depth of. I sometimes find myself, trying to dip my feet into ponds, I’ve already fallen into... and had to be saved from because of how unexpectedly deep or uncomfortable I was after being completely saturated. When I talk about a pond, I’m referring to any and everything that has seemed to cause me unrest and has once hurt me. I have this heart that adores helping others, and a heart that completely at times, invests in wanting to be there for those who have done me wrong. It’s such an amazing trait to have, however; it’s also one of those traits that can seem to present as a curse even though it was given to me as a blessing. I find myself at times, wondering why do I cont...

God is good, no matter the season you’re in.

Have You? Have you ever felt like you were blessed, felt God was protecting you, healing you, and you could feel His love surrounding you? Yet.. you still found yourself on occasion in this swamp of mental exhaustion sometimes? Feeling as if you were in this never ending cycle of circumstances around you that just seemed to be so draining? We All Have Our Seasons.. This year has been one of the most challenging... vulnerable years of my life. This year I have been faced with many obstacles that I would’ve never imagined going through. Which I’m sure many others can relate to. This year for many has been filled with disappointing news, unemployment, immorality, confusion, sickness, and exhaustion. For me, one obstacle I have had to bear this year would be the state of my health. This year alone I have acquired two auto immune diseases and have had a series of physically exhausting days of weakness. I am blessed that God has allowed me to find the light and goodness in my circumsta...