
Showing posts from December, 2020

God is good, no matter the season you’re in.

Have You? Have you ever felt like you were blessed, felt God was protecting you, healing you, and you could feel His love surrounding you? Yet.. you still found yourself on occasion in this swamp of mental exhaustion sometimes? Feeling as if you were in this never ending cycle of circumstances around you that just seemed to be so draining? We All Have Our Seasons.. This year has been one of the most challenging... vulnerable years of my life. This year I have been faced with many obstacles that I would’ve never imagined going through. Which I’m sure many others can relate to. This year for many has been filled with disappointing news, unemployment, immorality, confusion, sickness, and exhaustion. For me, one obstacle I have had to bear this year would be the state of my health. This year alone I have acquired two auto immune diseases and have had a series of physically exhausting days of weakness. I am blessed that God has allowed me to find the light and goodness in my circumsta...